I am an Austrian graphic designer based in Linz who grew up in Freistadt, Upper Austria. After graduating from the Gymnasium Freistadt I started a 2-year-training course at the College for Graphic and Communication Design at the HTL1 in Linz. After finishing the course I attended the master school for communication design in Linz and expanded my knowledge through various real projects. During my education I worked in the field of graphic design for the Cinema Freistadt and the Moviemento Linz and also gained experience during my internship at Kreisel Electric. My skills range from Branding to Editorial Design and Art Direction to basics in Webdesign and Animation.
I am currently looking for a full time position in an agency.
Feel free to contact me via Mail or get in touch on Facebook or Instagram.
Download my resume here︎︎︎
Please do not repost my work without my consent.
Copyright ©Michaela Ertl, 2020. All rights reserved.